Thursday, August 14, 2008

New Paipo

I've been shaping and painting a new paipo over the past couple of weeks. Recycled plywood (on the right in photo except its now a bright colour scheme)
Length: 89cm
Width: 42cm
Thickness: 1cm

Also I've re-shaped my paulownia paipo - more taper to the underside of the nose and rounded the rails a lot.
Length: 98cm
Width: 42cm tapering to 38cm @ tail.
Thickness: 18mm
Surfed really well before but haven't used it since re-shaping the rails. Feels really nice in the hands though.

There's been some really good surf lately but very icy water. This has been the coldest winter for many years with snow at the beach here 3 times this winter and snow down to sea-level forecast again for this weekend - most winters we usually only get snow here once, if that! There's lots of snow on the mountains so its going to be a late snow melt which will mean cold surfing into the summer. All the snow melt enters the ocean about 15km north of here and has a big effect on the temperature of the water at the local beaches. Brrrrrr!

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