Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Tray Surfing Video

Its almost a month since I've added anything here so I'lll start off with this cool vid of tray surfing.

In the past three weeks I've flown up to Auckland for a concert by the Anoushka Shankar Project (stunning!) and to spend a few days in the big city. The day after I returned home my next door neighbour, fellow hippie/surfer and really good friend Morrie died. That was a blow i wasn't expecting.
I'll write a bit more about both soon.

UPDATE Saturday 12th July: I'm working on 3 wordy posts but struggling for enough spare time. One is a personal review of the Anoushka Shankar concert; one about the life & death of my friend Morrie; and a post about surfing & art and my thoughts and plans of where I'm going with both.


Megan Chapman said...

Sorry to hear about the unexpected death of your neighbor and friend.

Thinking of you...

PS. I did enjoy the tray surfing video, and I love Anoushka Shankar!

luna1 said...

Thanks for your thoughts. Anoushka Shankar concert was amazing.

I better go read your lastest Friday post.