Wednesday, June 4, 2008

'Beautiful Day' Surf Movie Poster

This is a poster of the surf movie Beautiful Day from the early 70's. Filmed in New Zealand by Andy McAlpine who also made the classic Children of the Sun. I only saw this movie once when it was first released - back when surf movies were a real event and every surfer in town went. I've had the poster since then. Children of the Sun has been available on DVD for a few years and selling well so I'm hoping Beautiful Day will some day be available on DVD. I'd love to watch it again.

Children of the Sun was filmed in '65 and '66 and features some awesome footage of George Greenough surfing in Queensland. I saw it in '69 or '70 when I was still a schoolboy and it was watching George in this movie that made me give up stand-up surfing and begin kneeboarding.


Megan Chapman said...

What a great poster from " A beautiful day!" That is a work of art in itself. I hope that is framed and on your wall somewhere!

Anonymous said...

Heh...I'm a kneeboarder and live in Greenough's home town of Byron Bay. Seeing him on a mat makes me want to give up kneeboarding and take up mat riding!

Well, maybe not give it, but 'supplement' it by adding a mat to my quiver at least.

Jamie Welsh Watson said...

I love that first poster. I have never seen it. I have a huge spot in my heart for surf posters (and other poster art, too).

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